Thursday, March 29, 2012

Round 1

First post, so I've got quite a few things to report.

Project One: I'm currently working on a little chibi dwarf warrior in under 1,000 tris. I'm not really used to anything this low poly, but I felt like it would be good practice for me. Modeled in about an hour, then UV'd/tweaked for another hour.

The shield doesn't have an inset, it has a floater that's intended for different logos or colors to denote which team he's on. Also, the dark blue lines are the UV cuts.

Project Two: Working on an Olivia Wilde Sculpt. It's coming along, but still needs a loooooot of work.
Putting together the jpg to upload actually showed me what needs work. I feel like each part of the face looks decent (except the eyes), but doesn't match her at all.
..Which is really just the whole face.

Project Three: I've been trying to get a hard surface sculpting style that matches Darksiders. There was recently a contest to make a weapon, which conveniently coincided with Finals week. I got a blank made, and started, but there was no way I'd have time to get it done. Here's the concept for the hammer, and a skull !

Anyways, that's my week break so far. Other than computer malfunctions, life's pretty sweet.

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