So, here's the progress on what I've named 'Pirate Island.' I'd like to a couple hero assets inside, but I'm not sure what, yet.
Block-out is turning out pretty good.
-Spike-logs suck, they need to be toned up and pushed out waaay more.
-The middle square that has rope tied needs to be enlarged.
-The middle roof section building needs to be moved towards the center to counter-act the 10 Degrees that everything is rotating.
-The concave section below the tower probably isn't rotating outwards enough. Some of these proportions can really be pushed for a little more of a cartooney style.
-Bridge supports needs to be either higher or larger. Not sure, yet.
SO, here's the reason most of those lines are off:
The vanishing points in this concept drawing are ALL FUCKING OVER THE PLACE. It's gorgeous, no doubt, but GOD. None of these make sense. Super irritating, but it means I can fudge a lot of detail without hurting myself too badly.
Anyways, next step is adding the walls, then I believe I'm going to start really modeling out the roof. I'm going to try to paint THAT as closely to the reference as possible, then a lot of the other supports are going to be tiling textures of some sort.
Girls (10m each), AND A FUCKIN DRAGON RAWR:
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